Developer Console

Balamod comes with a fully fledged developer console to play with, with some built in commands to help debugging.


  • F1 : Restart the game
  • F2 : Toggle the console panel on/off
  • F4 : Toggle debug mode on/off

If the console is opened, you have access to the following shortcuts as well:

On Mac

  • Cmd + Shift + C : Copy all messages into the clipboard
  • Cmd + C : Copy the currently typed command to the clipboard
  • Cmd + V : Paste the contents of the clipboard into the command input
  • Escape : Close the console panel
  • Cmd + Backspace: Delete the console input line
  • Cmd + right: Move text to the most recent
  • Cmd + left: Move text to the most ancient
  • Cmd + up: Move one page up
  • Cmd + down: Move one page down
  • up: Go back one command in the history
  • down: Go forward one command in the history
  • tab: Complete the current command
  • Return: Submit the command to be run

On Windows / Linux

  • Ctrl + Shift + C : Copy all messages into the clipboard
  • Ctrl + C : Copy the currently typed command to the clipboard
  • Ctrl + V : Paste the contents of the clipboard into the command input
  • Escape : Close the console panel
  • Del: Delete the console input line
  • End: Move text to the most recent
  • Home: Move text to the most ancient
  • PageUp: Move one page up
  • PageDown: Move one page down
  • up: Go back one command in the history
  • down: Go forward one command in the history
  • tab: Complete the current command
  • Return: Submit the command to be run

Built in commands

The balamod dev console comes with a number of built-in commands to help you troubleshoot common issues with your mod, or if you’re so inclined, to cheat in the game (if that’s your thing)

  • clear: clears the log output from the console
  • discards <add|remove|set> <amount>: sets the amount of discards the player has.
  • exit: exits the console
  • give <item>: gives an item via its internal ID to the player. Example : give j_blueprint
  • hands <add|remove|set> <amount>: sets the amount of hands the player has.
  • help [command]: Prints all available commands with their descriptions
  • history: prints the history of commands
  • installmod <url>: installs a mod via its URL, URL must point to a valid tarball.
  • luamod <mod_id>: reloads the specified mod (disables and enables it, performs injections again, and runs its on_game_load event)
  • luarun <code>: runs plain lua code in the context of the game. Must be a one-liner though, multiline input is not supported
  • money <add|remove|set> <amount>: Sets the amount of money the player has.
  • sandbox: Loads the sandbox scene which can be used to debug the UI
  • shortcuts: prints the shortcuts (as seen above) to the console output.

Logging information to the console

If you’re a mod developer, you may want to print informations to the console. To that effect, the console comes with a logging API. Log messages will be visible here, and are duplicated in the appropriate, timestamped log file in the logs/ directory in the balatro save directory.

Logging comes with 6 distinct log levels :

  • TRACE: for the most verbose messages
  • DEBUG: for debug messages, verbose but not too spammy either
  • INFO: the default log level, for informative messages (displayed in blue)
  • WARN: for warnings (displayed in orange)
  • ERROR: for errors (displayed in red)
  • PRINT: for messages you want printed to the console as is, without any extra metadata (such as logger name, timestamp or color)

Use the --log-level=TRACE command line argument when starting balatro (with balamod) to change the minimum level a message must be to be displayed in the console. The default log level is INFO.