


This module does not expose any global variables


logger: Logger

Instance of a logging.Logger object, dedicated to the console

log_level: LogLevel

The minimum log level for which the console will log messages.

Defaults to "INFO"

is_open: boolean

Whether the console is currently open

cmd: string

String representation of the command promt. Always starts with the characters “>

line_height: int

Height of a line in pixels

max_lines: int

Max amount of lines displayable in the console

start_line_offset: int

The integer offset at which to start logging lines

history_index: int

Index of the currently selected history command. Starts at 0 and increments by one on each press of the up arrow, decrements on each press of the down arrow

command_history: Array<string>

Table of commands in the history

history_path: string

Path relative to BALATRO_SAVE_DIRECTORY at which to save the history to

modifiers: Map<string, boolean>

Table representing which key modifiers are active at a certain point in time.

Has the following keys :

  • capslock
  • scrolllock
  • numlock
  • shift
  • ctrl
  • alt
  • meta

Each key should be self explanatory. The meta modifier refers to either, depending on the system:

  • the windows key
  • the apple “command” key

Lock keys (i.e. scrolllock, capslock and numlock) are toggleable. The game has no way to check whether the game was started with the key toggled on/off, and its state will be toggled on release of the corresponding key. This means that the state of these keys is undefined. If the state is true, it means the corresponding key has been pressed during the lifetime of the game, if the state is false it means that the state of the key is the same as the state it was when the game was first started.

commands: Map<string, Command>

Commands registered with registerCommand are stored here.


toggle(self) -> nil

Toggles the console on/off. When the console is toggled on, the love.textinput callback gets assigned an anonymous function to capture the text written accurately in the command prompt. The love.textinput function is unassigned (set to nil) when the console is toggled off.

longestCommonPrefix(self, strings: Array<string>) -> string

Returns the longest common prefix from a set of strings, e.g.

local prefix = console:longestCommonPrefix({"state", "status", "stars"})
-- Prints "sta"

This function is used internally by the autocompletion engine of the developer console.

tryAutocomplete(self) -> string

Tries to autocomplete a command. For the first part of the command, the command name, the autocompletion is handled by looking at the typed command, and checking which registered commands match the prefix typed.

For subsequent arguments, the Command.autocomplete(current_arg, previous_args) function is called with the current partial argument, and all previous arguments, in order from “left to right”.

When several matches are found, instead of not completing, the autocomplete engine will return the longest common prefix between all potential command matches.

getMessageColor(self, message: Message) -> Tuple<float, float, float>

Returns a 3-tuple of numbers between 0 and 1 (inclusive) corresponding to the R, G and B color the message should be printed as.

LogLevelColor (hex)Color (tuple)Color
INFO#00E6FF(0, 0.9, 1)
WARN#FF8000(1, 0.5, 0)
ERROR#FF0000(1, 0, 0)
DEBUG#2900FF(0.16, 0, 1)

getFilteredMessages(self) -> Array<Message>

Returns, amongst all of the log messages, the messages matching a log level greater than, or equal to the console’s log level.

getMessagesToDisplay(self) -> Array<Message>

Returns a table with all of the messages currently on screen

The array should always be of length console.max_lines, with a padding of Message("PRINT", "") if necessary

modifiersListener(self) -> nil

Listener for changes in modifiers (see modifiers). When either the ctrl or meta modifiers is on, then the textinput callback is temporarily disabled. This is so that typing shortcuts in the console doesn’t interfere with text input in the command prompt.

typeKey(self, key_name: string) -> nil

Callback used by the dev_console mod when on_key_pressed is called. This is the function responsible for handling the following shortcuts:

  • meta + C or ctrl + C : copies the current typed command into the clipboard
  • meta + shift + C or ctrl + shift + C: Copies all formatted logs on screen into the clipboard
  • meta + V or ctrl + V: pastes the contents of the clipboard into the command prompt, concatenating it to the existing prompt.
  • escape: close the console
  • delete or meta + backspace: clears the command prompt
  • end or meta + left: moves the text to the latest log message printed
  • home or meta + right: moves the text to the first log message
  • pagedown or meta + down: moves the text console.max_lines down
  • pageup or meta + up: moves the text console.max_lines up
  • up: navigates up in the history (previous commands)
  • down: navigates down in the history (towards more recent commands)
  • tab: tries completing the current command using the autocompletion engine
  • backspace: delete a character
  • return or kp_enter: submit the command
    • command return value defines whether the command is saved to history or not. A truthy return value (true) will add the command to history. Failed commands are not saved.

addToHistory(self, command: string) -> nil

Adds a non empty command to the self.command_history array, resets self.history_index to 0 and saves the history to a file.

registerCommand(self, name: string, callback: function(args: Array<string>)->boolean, short_description: string, autocomplete: function(current_arg: string, previous_args: Array<string>)->Array<string>, usage: string)->nil

Creates a new Command object and saves it to the self.commands map.

name is the command name. Self-explanatory, it’s just what the user will type in the prompt to run your command.

callback is the callback. It’s a simple lua function that will be called with the rest of the arguments passed in as input when the command is submitted. If the command finished successfully, return true, return false otherwise. This will control whether the command gets added to the history or not.


If your command contains sensitive information as arguments (passwords, API tokens, etc), then it should never return true because the history is saved as plain text.

A bad actor could read the history file and figure out sensitive info from it.

short_description is just a string that will be printed when the built-in help command is run.

autocomplete is a simple lua function that should return a completion based on the current argument, and maybe the list of previous arguments. This function should return a table of suggested completions. The function console:longestCommonPrefix will be then called amongst all those completions to fill in the maximum amount of characters.

Usage is just the usage string. The intent is to eventually automate bad usage error messages, but this is unused right now.

removeCommand(self, cmd_name: string) -> nil

Removes a command. Call this function in your on_disable hook to make sure that your mod’s commands are not included if the mod is disabled

wrapText(self, message: string, screenWidth: int) -> Array<string>

Wraps the text to fit within screenWidth pixels.




  • call: function(args) -> boolean, the callback for the command
  • desc: string, the help text for the command, its description
  • autocomplete, function(current_arg, previous_args) -> Array<string>, the autocomplete for the command
  • usage: string, the usage text for the command